As part of the CO2 Green Drive adventures in St Petersburg, the second part was the participation in The Strategic Planning XV Jubilee Forum for the Regions and Cities of Russia on October 24th 2016. According to their website: "The Forum is held annually since 2002 and has already firmly and justifiably gained the right to be regarded as the main platform for discussion of methods and tools of strategic planning, as well as constructive analysis on the most important and sensitive problems of strategic plans and complex projects implementation in urban development of Russian Federation." 2017 is The Year of Ecology in Russia, so some focus was given to the potential of a new Green direction.
The name of "Green Day" was continued from the festival a couple of weeks earlier, but it is also the name of a 5 year old concept as part of the Strategic Forum. Partneres such as The Nordic Ministry of Culture, The Danish Cultural Institute and The St Petersburg Polytechnic University can be seen in above logo collage, for the photo backdrop.
See above video, in Russian, about the The Strategic Planning XV Jubilee Forum for the Regions and Cities of Russia 2016.
The main hall of the Park Inn Hotel, where the larger meetings, discussion and presentations were held.
Above the participants in the "Ecomobility Strategies and Sustainable Transport Systems of Cities and
Regions of Russia". The concept of the round table discussion formatted presentation was the following: "This year Jubilee Strategic Planning Leaders Forum 2016 celebrates the fifth anniversary of the
Forum Green Day that will be held in the context of preparation to Russian Federation Year of Ecology 2017
(according to Presidential Decree of January 5, 2016). Forum Green Day forms the fifth theme cluster
dialogue line under Forum 2016 and focuses on presentation and discussion of the best international and
Russian practices of implementation, alignment and management of strategic plans taking into account
modern trends of globalization and greening the economy."
The concept continues: "Challenges of organisation of sustainable transport systems and mobility management have moved
to a new level and now should be solved in close coordination with the plans of the territorial and socioeconomic
development of regions taking into account the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation.
Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has developed a national concept of sustainable urban
transport systems, aimed at the formation of a federal basis to improve the quality and sustainability of urban
transport as well as the road safety in Russian cities. Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation takes
an active part in Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP) under United
Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)". There were many great presentations, and it was wonderful to be able to tell fun stories about The CO2 Green Drive Project, its adventures around the world, and its Protector Finn Andersen, as can be seen above!

On the 26th of October, another Green Day with focus on the Youth was held at The St Petersburg Polytechnic University.
In above image, some of the speakers from various Nordic contries along with the organisers and partners.
In above image is Simon Sølvason, who is a Transport Engineer at Copenhagen Municipality. He spoke perfect Russian, as he was born in Russia. It is always lovely to hear stories about how Copenhagen is breaking new grounds for greater liveability. The innovation that has been used to reach this point, can now be used to help other cities around the world to re-think their cities.
CO2 Green Drive - Art and Culture for a Sustainable Future.
On the very same evening, I went to see the location called Manege, housed in a former historical riding hall - or the manege - of the Horse Guards regiment (architect – Giacomo Quarenghi, 1807). Over the course of the 19th-20th centuries, in parallel to the dramatic changes in Russia’s history, the building of the manege had undergone a series of major changes.
It has recently been transformed into the biggest exhibition space in central St Petersburg, and it is rather amazing! It turned out that, that very evening, a special event for the Douglas Coupland (Generation X) exhibition that was currently on display, was being held. Good to see he is art and truly inspiring to see the space of Manege.
It was good to walk in the streets of St Petersburg again, saying hello to some of my favourite buildings and restaurants.
When on one of these walks, I passed by this curious car. And no, it was not Electric.
The Part 2 of my St Petersburg adventure in 2016 was good experience, and the above image taken in the design gallery Bulthaup represents it well!
Read more about Part 1 of the St Petersburg 2016 adventure HERE!
Read more about the experience, written by Astrid Rifbjerg from the Danish Cultural Institute in St Petersburg on their site HERE